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VEDECOM Partnership


The laboratory and the IAS team works in collaboration with the ITE VEDECOM institut since 2014.

Scientific Objectives

This ISA-VEDECOM partnership has so far resulted in two theses. The thesis of Bastien BECHADERGUE ( in 2017) and the thesis of Emmanuel PLASCENCIA -CRUZ in progress (early 2019).
The thesis of B. BECHADERGUE made it possible to develop a vehicle-vehicle communication prototype using the lights from the headlights, coupled with a distance measurement by phase measurement of a light carrier.
The thesis of E. PLASCENCIA-CRUZ also concerns the vehicle-vehicle communication by visible light, focusing  instead on exchange protocols by the MAC layer of the network formed by the vehicles on the road.

Impacts on application fields

The methods Visible Light Communications coupled with distance measurements can be implemented on vehicles of the future to ensure vehicle-vehicle or vehicle infrastructure communication, guaranteeing secure and direct links. 

Contact : luc.chassagne@uvsq.fr - hongyu.guan@uvsq.fr - bastien.bechadergue@uvsq.fr