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IR Project - Assistance and Interaction - PLEIA Software creation

The PLEIA research project team has developed, within its Assistance and Interaction theme of the LISV laboratory (UVSQ), the software platform called PLEIA. This tool

offers the possibility of building a personalized evaluation process, graduated in difficulty,

dedicated to the use of a computer and pointing interfaces (mouse, joystick, trackball, …).


This software was born thanks in particular to the close collaboration with the teams

therapists from the Saint-Maurice Hospitals computer platform. This project received support from the Motrice Foundation. It has just been referenced by the Agency for the Protection of Programs (l’Agence pour la Protection des Programmes, APP). A dissemination campaign to associations or rehabilitation centers will start in the coming weeks. The software is free and available to everyone.


To download it, click on the link in blue « software platform called PLEIA » which will redirect you to the download page. 

Contact : olivier.rabreau@lisv.uvsq.fr